Tel Aviv University historian Shlomo Sand

اشترك معنا في قناة تلغرام: اضغط للاشتراك حمل تطبيق الملتقى الفلسطيني على آندرويد: اضغط للتحميل

The fundamental myth of Zionism is the return of the Jewish people to its land. Tel Aviv University historian Shlomo Sand, in his remarkable book The Invention of the Jewish People, marshals past and present academic work to refute the Zionist historiography underlying this myth, and tells instead a story of a religious minority and its creed, waxing and waning through proselytizing and conversion, subject to the same social forces as any other religious minority.

اشترك معنا في قناة تلغرام: اضغط للاشتراك

حمل تطبيق الملتقى الفلسطيني على آندرويد: اضغط للتحميل

Author: فريق التحرير

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